Spirit Walker v1.5.1 - Formerly/AKA “Totem Warrior” #

Spirit Seeker (1) #

Wild Spirit (1) #

Bear #

Raven #

Wolf #

Heart of the Beast (6) #

Owl #

Ram #

Turtle #

Spirit Calling (10) #

Soul of the Great Spirits (14) #

White Stag #

Phoenix #

Snow Leopard #

5.24e Subclass PHB Note
- The following is how this subclass appears in the 5.24e PHB without any changes.
- The version that I run personally is the above version but both are good.

Level 3 - Totem Spirit -> Rage of the Wilds
- Choose a spirit whenever you rage (2014 used to have you pick one when you level/gain this feature).
- You have resistance to all damage types other than Force, Necrotic, Psychic, and Radiant.
- As part of the Bonus Action to enter your Rage, and as a Bonus Action while Raging, you can take both the Disengage and Dash Actions.
- Allies have advantage against enemies within 5 feet of you. 

Level 6 - Aspect of the Beast -> Aspect of the Wilds
- Can now be swapped on a Long Rest.
- Gives Darkvision to — or extends existing Darkvision by — 60 feet.
- Gives climb speed equal to your speed.
- Gives swim speed equal to your speed.

Level 10 - Spirit Walker -> Nature Speaker
- Can cast "Commune with Nature" as a ritual.

Level 14 - Totemic Attunement -> Power of the Wilds
- Also now chosen when you enter your Rage.
- Fly Speed equal to speed when raging.
- Don't fall at end of turn, but can't be wearing any armor.
- Enemies within 5 feet have disadvantage on Attacks made against targets other than you.
- Knocks enemy prone if they are large or smaller when you hit them with a Melee Attack.